Environmental Documentation

Tier 2

Granite City to St. Louis


There are four steps in the overall study process:

Step One: Stakeholder Identification Update, Development of the Stakeholder Involvement Plan, Project Scoping, Project Purpose and Need, Project Initiation

At this stage, project alternatives will be identified to address the project purpose and need. The alternatives development process will be iterative in nature, providing progressively greater detail.

Step Two: Determination of Alternatives Carried Forward into the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

During this stage, there is evaluating and screening of the initial range of suggested alternatives to identify those alternatives that best meet the project Purpose and Need, as well as avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate impacts. This process is used to determine alternatives that will be evaluated further for the Draft EIS.

Step Three: Recommend Preferred Alternative in Draft EIS

In this stage, the Draft EIS will be prepared, incorporating information from the alternatives screening evaluation and technical studies. A recommended Preferred Alternative will be identified and the Tier 2 Draft EIS prepared and publically circulated, and public hearing held.

Step Four:Refine Preferred Alternative in Final EIS and Record of Decision (ROD)

For this stage, the Preferred Alternative is finalized, incorporating comments received on the Draft EIS. The Final EIS will be prepared to address comments and incorporate information from comments received on the Draft EIS. After the Final EIS review period, the ROD approval will document the agency' decision.

The project is currently on hold.

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